I had the opportunity to visit France for 6 weeks. France and Germany have almost the same surface. During those 6 weeks, I traveled in most parts of France. It is almost impossible to do so in so few days in Canada, our country being so large. This is why most campers travel around their respective part of the country.
As I live in the eastern part of Canada, this is where I mostly camp. Staying mainly in that part of the country, landscape changes a lot. The southern part of Quebec and Ontario, as you can see it on the first picture, is mostly rivers and mountains landscapes. Northern part of Quebec and Ontario is unsuitable for camping and mostly uninhabited. Only few roads lead up there. South-east of Quebec are the Maritime provinces. Surroundes by Atlantic ocean, as you can see on pictures 2 and 3, you can find many wonderful beaches with cool water and magnificient rugged seashores. Even then, one of the Maritime provinces is located at an 11 hours ferry ride from mainland. I have never been in this part of Canada; I would have to drive for 34 hours from my home. I have never been in the most western part of my country. It would be a 50 hours car ride from my home. These are projets for my retirement.
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