Beiträge von cienne1950

    Chris, I got news from friends that my 320 O/R is old type, whilst now the new chassis is
    much stronger (whitout the 'whole' in the chassis) and this might be the reasons
    that the friends went to Mongolia and back without problems.
    Can Alexander confirm the above ??
    Thanks (PS: la direzione KT non m i ha ancora risposto!!) ciao Claudio

    Cris, thanks for mentioning the blog which i saw and it is very interesting.
    My trip was reported on ''thefortunetour'' and i travel to Slo,H,UA,Russia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan
    and back. Till Bukhara i had no problems, after that van had problems.
    I got it from sellers in february 2012 and i didnt made any chnage on it.
    I travel alone with the dog and therefore is ligth.
    My car was/is a VW Fox which was back withour problems!!!
    Seems to me (please confirm or comments) that tyres of the T@B mentioned on the blog
    had more or less normal tyres, whilst my van was delivered to me with tyres
    205/70. It is possible that such high tyres gave problems to chassis ???
    (In fact my documents are NOT reporting such high tyres)
    ciao for now

    You are right. Looks ''powerful'' but when i bought it nobody told me that is just Offroad on name and
    design and not on caracteristics. I bought it view made by KnausTabbert, German, and Offroad
    and then happened that during my last tour 2012 (normal roads even if bad) the T@B was broken down.
    Awaiting now AlKo and KT comments. ciao Claudio

    Egregio Mr Aleander
    Il problema e' proprio questo. Io pensavo di aver acquistato una ''Offroad'' di nome e di fatto
    mentre invece e' una 320 rs vestita da Offroad.
    Adesso ho dei problemi ma il responsabile Sud Europa (mi sembra mr werner) NON RISPONDE.
    La 320 OffRoad si e' rotta.
    Grazie e salutio
    Claudio Noacco

    Hello, I am new in this forum and i cannot write in german language but only English or italian.

    I leave in Milano area.

    I bought a T@B 320 OffRoad in 2012 but now chacking the documents i found they are for a 320 RS.

    According your experience, there re similare cases around ??

    KanusTabbert are not giving re0plyes by mail and the italian

    seller is telling me a lot of untrue items.

    thanks for your help

    best rgds
